[RegCNET] spin-up time. How long would you choose it to be

Raymond Arritt rwarritt at bruce.agron.iastate.edu
Thu Jul 20 18:28:57 CEST 2006

Hello Costas,

Some members of our group published a paper on this topic a few years 
ago.  The paper is for North America instead of the Mediterranean so 
there will be some differences in soil moisture response; nevertheless, 
the results may be of interest for you.  The citation is:

Pan, Z., E. Takle, W. Gutowski, and R. Turner, 1999: Long simulation of
regional climate as a sequence of short segments.  Mon. Wea. Rev., 127,

Ray Arritt

Costas Douvis wrote:
> Dear colleagues
> I intend to run a 40-year simulation over the Mediterranean with
> ERA-40 boundaries. I am facing the dilemma of doing one simulation
> for the whole 40-year period or doing 3 x 15-year simulations at
> three PCs thus splitting the 40-year period into three sub-periods
> with an overlapping of 1-2 years from one sub-period to the other.
> This will save me time but I am not sure if there will be any
> problems with the continuity of the simulation by splitting one long
> simulation into 3 shorter ones. I assume that for the atmospheric
> part of the model a spin-up time of one month would be fine and so an
> overlapping of one year from one sub-period to the other could be
> safe enough but how about the other parts of the model like the land
> surface? I would be grateful if you could give me your opinion.
> Best regards Costas Douvis

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