UNDSS Communication on security

Infopoint info_pt at ictp.it
Thu Dec 17 15:57:01 CET 2015


All scientists and staff are invited to take note of the message from 
the UNDSS. It reiterates that it is_mandatory for all official travels 
to obtain a security clearance through the TRIP system_ of the UNDSS.
It is also _recommended that the system is used for private travels_. 
Also, it is a prerequisite to periodically (every three years) to do the 
_on-line training courses on security_. Ms. Rossana Torre is the contact 
person at ICTP for field security issues and can provide assistance on 
TRIP and the courses.

A couple of years ago all were invited to submit the private cell 
phone/home telephone number to Personnel, that keeps a list updated. Now 
_please resubmit the cell phone/home telephone numbers to Personnel_ to 
ensure that the list has the current numbers. The list is submitted to 
FAO every three months to the Designated Official and is important for a 
possible head count, i.e. to check that everyone are fine in case of an 
emergency situation. It is important that the list is updated and complete.

Dag Harald Johannessen

_Message on behalf of Mr. Trentinaglia, CSFP for Italy_

Dear SAG colleagues,

The below Communique from DSS USG once again stresses the paramount 
importance for all UNMSM personnel in mandatory obtaining the security 
clearance through TRIP for official travel.

It is highly recommended that all UNSMS personnel use TRIP also for 
personal travel.

This is one of the most reliable tools that enable UNSMS organizations, 
in the event of a crisis or an emergency, to complete a rapid and 
aneffective headcount.

Many thanks for your usual support.

Kind regards

Piergiorgio Trentinaglia

Chief, FAO Security Services


Dear Colleagues,

Please find attached UNDSS Communiqué from Mr. Peter Drennan, 
Under-Secretary-General, Department of Safety and Security dated 07 
December 2015 for your information.

The text in the document reads as follows:

1.     The recent attacks in Paris and Bamako have once again 
highlighted the need for all United Nations Security Management System 
(UNSMS) personnel to obtain a security clearance through the web-based 
Travel Request Information Process (TRIP) system for all official 
travel, even to locations of low risk.

2.     The goal of the security clearance procedure is to:  a) 
effectively monitor the location and number of personnel and eligible 
family members to include them in the country security plan; b) provide 
important information to UNSMS personnel and eligible family members on 
official travel including in the event of a crisis or emergency; and, c) 
control the number of UNSMS personnel and eligible family members where 
the security plan requires it. In crisis situations there is an 
immediate need to account for UNSMS personnel and their eligible 
dependents, and TRIP is an important element of this process. UNSMS 
travellers present at a location where a significant security crisis 
occurs can further assist by immediately informing their home office, 
and the local security structure, of their status. This will 
significantly enhance the UNSMS ability to rapidly account for all 
persons at the location.

3.     Accordingly, all UNSMS personnel are to be reminded that 
obtaining a security clearance through TRIP for official travel is 
mandatory for ALL locations, prior to travelling. This requirement also 
includes official home leave or other entitlement travel where the cost 
of travel is borne by organizations of the UN system. Security clearance 
is requested through the UNDSS website: https://dss.un.org 

4.     As in the past, UN personnel are strongly encouraged to use TRIP 
also for personal travel. While submission of a TRIP request for 
personal travel does not imply official clearance to travel to the 
selected location, the knowledge of the intended presence at the 
location of UNSMS personnel or their eligible dependents may assist in 
supporting those persons in the event of a crisis situation.

5.     TRIP only indicates intent to travel to a particular place, it 
does not automatically confirm if the traveler arrived or not. 
  Travelers are encouraged to notify the local UNSMS security structure 
in the country visited of their arrival by email or telephone. All the 
relevant contact details of the security structures in every country 
with a UN presence are available under “Travel Advisories” at 
https://dss.un.org <https://dss.un.org/>.

6.     I take this opportunity to recall that the successful completion 
of “Basic Security in the Field” (BSTIF) online training is also a 
mandatory requirement for all official travel, and the “Advanced 
Security in the Field” course is also required for official travel to 
any field location.

Best regards.

*24/7 Communications Centre *
Division of Regional Operations
United Nations Secretariat - Room S-0773
New York, NY 10017
Tel: 1-917-367-9438/9  Cell: 1-917-400-8905
Fax: 1-917-367-9441
Email: undsscomscen at un.org <mailto:undsscomscen at un.org>

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