What's On This Weekend: 13 - 16 September 2012

Infopoint info_pt at ictp.it
Thu Sep 13 15:13:52 CEST 2012

*WHAT'S ON THIS WEEKEND 13 - 16 September 2012

* *


*In the greenhouse of Villa Revoltella *(via Marchesetti 37)* "Frame"*, 
an art exhibition by Serena Bellini, ongoing until 25/9. This exhibition 
is, at the same time, an occasion to inaugurate the renovated space of 
the greenhouse of the Villa, particularly suitable to host a collection 
of paintings focusing on flowers, landscapes and nature in general. Open 
Mondays to Fridays: 16.30 - 19.00; Saturdays and Sundays: 10.00 - 
13.00/16.30 - 19.00. For Info: 339 6543406

*Thursday, 13/9: last occasion to see "DOUBLE TRACK" (Doppia Traccia): 
Objects with lost traces from the recent past, *an International Design 
Contest, at* 18.30 *at* Studio Tommaseo *in downtown via del Monte 2/1. 
This biennial contest has become a great challenge proposed to designers 
from 23 Central Eastern European countries. What kind of new object was 
the old drawing-curve turned into? The designer of this mysterious 
object won the Gillo Dorfles Prize! www.triestecontemporanea.it 

  "Icons", solo art exhibition by young, promising painter Gabriele
  Bonato in the most reputed art gallery of the Region, Lipanjepuntin,
  in via Diaz 4, (close to Piazza Unità). Ongoing until 29/9. Open
  Tuesdays to Fridays 15.30 - 19.30. For info: www.lipanjepuntin.com.

  "Un tempo pieno di attese" (A Time full of Expectations). A
  Photography exhibit by Jan Lukas with shots taken in 1965 while he was
  a political refugee at the Risiera di San Sabba, in Via Palatucci 5,
  ongoing until 4/11, from 9.00 to 19.00. The Former Nazi lager of
  Risiera San Sabba during WWII was a foreign refugee camp from 1949 to
  1965, hosting almost 1500 persons/day in their quest for freedom who
  had crossed the Italian border illegally from Ex Jugoslavia, Russia,
  Bulgaria, Romania, Albania. For info: Tel. 040 826202. Admission: free.

* *

*At the Modern Art Gallery "Salone degli Incanti" *(once a fishmarket) 
in Riva Nazario Sauro, an outstanding Photography exhibition by 
photoreporter *Monika Bulaj: "Nur/Luce ­ Appunti afgani" *(Afghan 
notes).* *Ongoing until 23/9, from Monday to Friday 17.00-23.00, 
Saturday, Sunday 10.00-23.00*. *For info: 040 3226862.

* *

*At the Miramare Castle's Wind Rose hall: "Si' dolce e' il tormento" (So 
sweet the Torment), *an exhibition of three masterpieces by *Lucas 
Cranach the Elder*, one of the renown masters of the Reinaissance: 
Ongoing until 30/10, from 9.00 to 19.00.* *Admission: 6 euro, reduced 
(18-25 years) 4 euro, free(under 18, over 65). For more info: 
www.castello-miramare.it <http://www.castello-miramare.it> -- Tel. 040 
224143; http://mostreviaggioinitalia.com/friuli-venezia-giulia/


*Friday 14/9, at the Miramare Castle's Throne Hall* at *20.00*: 
Accordion recital by Matteo Roiaz, who will be accompanied by pianist 
Rossella Fracaros. The event is free of charge, pay only the entrance to 
the castle (euro 4, reduced euro 2). On this occasion, it will be 
exceptionally possible to visit the Kitchens of the Castle and follow 
the presentation "Bonboni in carta e nidi indiani: alla scoperta della 
cucina di massimiliano d'Asburgo" (Discovering Maximilian of Habsburg's 
cuisine), starting at *18:00*. For more info: Tel. 040 224143

*On Friday 14/9 at 20.30 (and Saturday 15/9 at 18.00): opening of the 
symphony season at the Verdi Theatre (*downtown, next to Piazza 
Unita').* *There will be music by Dmitrij Sostakovic (Primo Concerto per 
violino in La minore op.77: solo violinist Ms. Kyoko Takosawa) and Petr 
Ilic Cajkovskij (Sesta Sinfonia in Si minore op.74 "Patetica"). The 
Orchestra is directed by Maestro Oleg Caetani. For Info and tickets: 
http://www.teatroverdi-trieste.com or green number (free of charge, from 
9.00 to 21.00 from Monday to Saturday) 800.09.03.73.


The Friuli Venezia Giulia* TOURIST POINT *on the corner of Piazza Unità 
organizes* guided walking tours (in Italian and English) every day at 
10:30*. On _Saturdays_, _there is an additional tour at 16.30_. This 
Saturday 15/9: Tour Trieste, a mosaic of different cultures. Each tour 
lasts 2 hours and costs euro 5/head. There is also the possibility of 
visiting the city by yourself with an audio-guide that you may rent 
there. Open every day from 9.00 - 19.00. Language service: Italian, 
English, German or French. For more info call the FVG Tourist Info Point 
in via dell'Orologio nr.1 on the corner of Piazza Unità. Tel: 040 
3478312 or check: http://www.turismofvg.it

* *


*On Sunday 16/9: "Bicincitta'", *a noncompetitive bike ride from Piazza 
della Borsa to Miramare and return, from 10.00 to 14.00 approx. For info 
and booking: 040 224147 (ext nr. 2 or 3, working hours).

*On Sunday 23/9: **"Rampigada Santa"* *Competition* (walking, running or 
biking uphill) up the ripid Via Scala Santa. Registrations to the 
competition are open at Euro 15.00/head. For those who would like to 
join just for fun, participation is free of charge! The street will be 
closed to traffic. For info and registration: 

* *

*There are also a number of Indoor Swimming Pools:*

*The "Bruno Bianchi"* swimming pool situated in Passeggio Sant'Andrea nr 
8, (take Bus 8). Opening hours Mondays to Fridays: 9 - 22; Saturdays: 9- 
15; Sundays: 9- 13. -Fri 9:00-22:00, Sat 9:00-15:00, Sun 9:00-13:00. 
Entrance fee EUR4,50. Tel: 040 306024.

* The Acquamarina* swimming pool (smaller but has heated sea water and a 
massage and aesthetics centre) situated in Molo Fratelli Bandiera (Bus 8 
from Roiano). Opening hours Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays: 7:40 - 
14.20/15.40 - 22.20; Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10.20 - 13.00 / 15.40 - 
18.20; Saturdays: 7.40 - 11.40/14.20 - 19.40; Sundays: 7.40 - 13.00. 
Entrance fee EUR6.60. Tel 040 301100.


* *

*Barcola *has a 7 km seaside promenade.

*The "Basovizza Ring" in the Carso *has a 5 km circular ring but you can 
also take wood paths*.* You can reach Basovizza by city bus 51 from the 
Train Station in Trieste.

*"La Napoleonica" Panoramic route* mostly overlooking the sea, on the 
Trieste karst. Take Bus 4 from Piazza Oberdan to the "Obelisco" and go 
walking or jogging on the Napoleonica (Napoleon's path). If you wish, 
you can take path number 12 (marked by C.A.I - Italian Alpine Club) and 
reach the Sanctuary of Monte Grisa, proceed to Opicina through the Via 
Crucis path (number 12) and finally return to the Obelisk and take the 
bus back to the city.

*Hiking in Val Rosandra (half or full day), Trieste*

/Provided the weather is fine and sunny, t/he Val Rosandra Valley 
encloses a remarkable natural environment and a walk through its paths, 
and by the stream and natural ponds, surrounded by typical carsic 
vegetation is worth it. Make sure you have good sneakers on and enough 
water. Walk along colour-marked footpaths, each marked by CAI (Italian 
Alpine Club), ranging from very easy paths to others that require a 
certain ability. There are easily accessible caves for speleology and 
archaeology lovers. You can reach the Valley by taking Bus 40 from the 
Central Train Station in Trieste and get off in Bagnoli della Rosandra.

*Bowling:* There is a Bowling Center in Duino at "the Ristorante 
Pizzeria Bowling Duino" open daily until midnight. Eat, drink and bowl 
or play other games. Check website www.bowlingduino.it or call: 
040208362. Take Airport Bus 51 above Grignano to Duino. Check the bus 

*/ /*


_Trieste's historical cafes_: The Tommaseo Cafe' (Riva 3 Novembre) and 
the San Marco Cafe' (Via Battisti 13) are places where writers, 
intellectuals and artists still meet. Presentation of books, art 
exhibits and musical evenings are held there.

_Best ice cream in town_: Gelateria Zampolli, in via Ghega near the 
train station or in Viale XX Settembre, where ice creams are made in the 
traditional way with over 68 flavours.

_Renown Triestine Buffet in town_: "Da Pepi", via Cassa di Risparmio nr 
3: a typical Triestine old-fashioned food place where one can have 
excellent ham sandwiches at the bar or enjoy the special house dish, a 
variety of meats served with sauerkraut and freshly grated horseradish. 
Good selection of wines and beers. Reviewed by the New York Times as the 
best in the Region.

_ _

_Traditional pastry shops,_ dating back to 1850, decorated in "Liberty " 
style:* "La* *Bomboniera"* in via XXX Ottobre. (near Piazza San Antonio) 
and *"Pasticceria* *Pirona"* in Largo Barriera 12, where James Joyce 
used to be a customer. Pirona won a prize for the best hot chocolate in 

*Agriturismo or Farm House Restaurants:*

_Al Pescaturismo_, at the Villaggio del Pescatore, where you are served 
reasonable priced fresh local fish and seafood. Phone: 339 6390473. Open 
Thursdays to Sundays, lunch and dinner. For dinners it is best to call 
and book beforehand. Take Bus E 51 from above Gringnano. See schedules > 

_Milic_, Localita' Sgonico (Sagrado) in the Carso, offers exellent local 
wines and typical Carso specialities (mainly soups, grilled meats, home 
made gnocchi and pasta) tel: 040 327120. Take Bus 46 from Trieste Train 

_Mezza Luna, _in Duino Aurisina (Malchina), wide range of meat 
specialities, own production of goat cheese, omelettes, good selection 
of wines. Phone: 040-291529, see website www.mezzalunanet.it. Take Bus 
43 from Duino.


*FRIULI DOC 2012 - XVIII Ed. Udine from 13 to 16 September. *Cheese, one 
of the most typical products of Friuli Venezia Giulia, will be the 
"star" of this gastronomic event. For more info: 

The Paleontological Site of* "Dinosaur Antonio" opens to the Public 
until 28/10 at Villaggio del Pescatore.* On Sundays & holidays: 
10.00-13.00 and 15.00-18.00. Take Bus nr. 44 from Piazza Oberdan or Bus 
E 51 from above Grignano. Check bus schedules: 
For more info: Gruppo Speleologico Flondar: 347 7393118

* *

*Visit The Victory Lighthouse *(Faro della Vittoria) in Strada del 
Friuli. The lighthouse was built by the famous Triestine architect 
Berlam. It is a commemorative monument dedicated to the fallen soldiers 
of World War I. Great for photos if it's a nice day. Open 

Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sundays & Public Holidays: 16.00 - 19.00; 
Tuesday and Friday: 9.00 am to 12.00 am and 16.00 - 19.00. Mondays 
closed. Free entry. Take buses 42, 44

or 46 from Piazza Oberdan. For info call 040 8323 201 (Monday - Friday: 
9.00 -13.00).

*Revoltella Museum - Opening hours: *from *10.00 to 19.00, *closed on 
Tuesdays (the box office closes at 18.15).

*Sartorio Museum - New opening hours: *from * 9.00 to 13.00, *closed on 

*/The Info Point takes no responsibility whatsoever for the correctness 
or completeness of the above information. Check website: 

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