Joint ICTP/SISSA Statistical Physics Seminar, 18 March at 11:00am, by Manoj Kumar Joshi

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Mon Mar 10 14:10:46 CET 2025

Joint ICTP/SISSA Statistical Physics Seminar

** * * Tuesday 18 March**2025, 11:00**am ***(CET)** * **
*Budinich Lecture Hall **(Leonardo Building, first floor)***

Speaker:*Manoj Kumar Joshi *(Institut für Quantenoptik und Quanten 
information, Austria)

Title: *Hamiltonian learning and verification of quantum simulators


A trapped-ion system is one of the most promising platforms for quantum 
computation, simulation, precision measurements, and quantum networks. 
In such a system, a high level of control can be achieved, which is 
essential for solving hard-to-compute physics problems with very high 
accuracy. In particular, the quantum simulation of complex physics 
models is one of the direct applications of such systems. A key question 
in quantum simulation is the validity of simulation results. Significant 
progress has been made in recent years in predicting the Hamiltonian 
that governs the time evolution of input states. However, the 
experimental implementation of these predictions has been technically 
challenging for large-scale quantum systems. In this seminar, I will 
present recent results from our lab on learning system Hamiltonians via 
randomized measurements for systems of up to 51 qubits. Finally, I will 
demonstrate how to predict simulation results from the learned 

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