QLS Seminars - Tue. 11 March at 14h00 and 15h15 - Nonequilibrium calorimetry by Faezeh Khodabandehlou

Quantitative Life Sciences qls at ictp.it
Thu Mar 6 09:16:23 CET 2025

Dear All,

As part of the Spring College in the Physics of Complex Systems 
(smr4056), on Tuesday, 11 March _at 14:00 and 15:15_ CET, Dr. Faezeh 
Khodabandehlou (KU Leuven) will give two seminars on:

*"Nonequilibrium calorimetry"


_*_Part 1 - Introduction - __Tue. 11 March at 14:00

_* In the first introductory part, we start by reviewing some basic 
aspects of equilibrium calorimetry.  In particular, we illustrate the 
presence of a Schottky anomaly and the validity of the
Nernst Postulate for the simplest two-level system.  We use that 
two-level system to open the avenue toward nonequilibrium calorimetry by 
introducing the two-level switch (agitated qubit). We show how to
compute the heat capacity there by solving the Poisson equation sourced 
by the excess heat. *
_*_Part 2 - Advanced - __Tue. 11 March at 15:15

_*In the second part, we elaborate on more details for defining and
measuring nonequilibrium heat capacities. After the general definition,
two computational methods are highlighted. We discuss the main features
such as the close-to-equilibrium behavior, the revealing of kinetic
information, plus the origin of the possible negativity and the validity
of an extended Third Law.  We illustrate all that with specific examples
of Markov jump and Markov diffusion processes.*_




_The seminars will take place in the *Kastler lecture hall, Adriatico 
guest house*_
You are all most welcome to attend!

Best regards,

Erica Sarnataro
Group Secretary
Quantitative Life Sciences
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Trieste,  Italy
Tel. +39-040-2240623
e-mail:qls at ictp.it 

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