Number Theory Day - Wednesday 5 February - VENUE: ICTP - Luigi Stasi Seminar Room
ICTP Math Section
math at
Thu Jan 30 11:27:27 CET 2025
(ICTP - February 05, 2025)
Venue: Stasi Lecture Room, ICTP Leonardo Da Vinci Building, ICTP - Trieste
Organizers: Emanuel Carneiro (ICTP), Pietro Corvaja (University of
Udine) and Umberto Zannier (SNS - Pisa)
• University of Udine (Department of Mathematics, Computer
Science and Physics)
• Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
• Centro interuniversitario per la teoria dei numeri e sue
applicazioni informatiche (Primi)
11:00 - 11:50: David Masser (University of Basel, Switzerland)
Title: Equidistribution and heights
Abstract: Since Yuri Bilu (1997) we know that the conjugates of an
algebraic number α of small height tend to be equidistributed near the
unit circle. With Roger Baker (2023) we refined some aspects of weak
convergence, for example with the test function log |1 − z|. We gave
several applications, for example to the number of conjugates in the
upper half plane: this number differs from half the degree d by at most
8000 h^{1/3} d for the absolute logarithmic height h (now assumed
non-zero) of α. We will describe some of this and also more recent
applications to heights themselves, such as those of rational functions
evaluated at roots of unity.
13:30 - 14:20: Mithun Das (ICTP, Italy)
Title: Effective equidistribution of Galois orbits for mildly regular
test functions
Abstract: Abstract: We provide a detailed study on effective versions of
the celebrated Bilu's equidistribution theorem for Galois orbits of
sequences of points of small height in the N-dimensional algebraic
torus, identifying the qualitative dependence of the convergence on the
regularity of the test functions considered. We develop a general
Fourier analysis framework that extends previous results obtained by
Petsche (2005) and D'Andrea, Narváez-Clauss, and Sombra (2017). This is
also related to previous works by Pritsker (2011), Baker and Masser
(2023), and Amoroso and Pleissis (2024). This is a joint work with
Emanuel Carneiro.
15:00 - 15:50: Carlo Pagano (Concordia University, Canada)
Title: Hilbert 10 via additive combinatorics
Abstract: In 1970 Matiyasevich, building on earlier work of
Davis--Putnam--Robinson, proved that every enumerable subset of Z is
Diophantine, thus showing that Hilbert's 10th problem is undecidable for
Z. The problem of extending this result to the ring of integers of
number fields (and more generally to finitely generated infinite rings)
has attracted significant attention and, thanks to the efforts of many
mathematicians, the task has been reduced to the problem of
constructing, for certain quadratic extensions of number fields L/K, an
elliptic curve E/K with rk(E(L))=rk(E(K))>0. This was done under BSD by
Mazur and Rubin. In this talk I will explain joint work with Peter
Koymans, where we use Green--Tao to construct the desired elliptic
curves unconditionally, thus settling Hilbert 10 for every finitely
generated infinite ring.
16:30 - 17:20: Gregory Debruyne (Ghent University, Belgium)
Title: Recent advances surrounding the Ingham-Karamata Tauberian theorem
Abstract: The Ingham-Karamata theorem is a cornerstone in Tauberian
theory: it retrieves asymptotic information of a function from a
regularity hypothesis on the function and from information about its
Laplace transform. I will discuss some of my recent work surrounding
this theorem and explain some applications in number theory.
All are welcome to attend.
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