Today: Geometric Structures seminar - Ludovic Rifford - 14.00 - room 005

Luca Rizzi lrizzi at
Thu Dec 12 07:00:00 CET 2024

Dear All,

This is to announce the next seminar from the series "Geometric Structures".

Speaker: Ludovic Rifford (Nice)

Title: Minimal rank Sard Conjecture in sub-Riemannian geometry
Time: Thursday 12th December 2024, 14:00
Venue: room 005 - SISSA main building
Abstract:  We present a proof of the minimal rank Sard conjecture in the analytic category under an additional assumption on the subanalytic abnormal distribution. This result establishes that from a given point the set of points accessible through singular horizontal curves of minimal rank, which corresponds to the rank of the distribution, has Lebesgue measure zero. The minimal rank Sard Conjecture is equivalent to the Sard Conjecture for co-rank 1 distributions.

The schedule of the Geometric Structures seminar is available on
With the following links you can import the seminar series in your calendar (it will be updated automatically): Google Calendar<>, iCal/Outlook<>

​​Luca Rizzi
SISSA (Trieste)

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