NEW VENUE Joint ICTP-SISSA-UniTS Physics Seminars TODAY (Rattazzi and Dubovsky) @ICTP (and via Zoom)

HECAP - Margherita Di Giovannantonio hecap at
Wed Dec 4 13:58:57 CET 2024

*_Joint ICTP-SISSA-UniTS Seminars_**__*

*Wednesday, 04 December* 2024 - *!!! MOVED TO Budinch Lecture Hall !!! 
(and Zoom)



*14:30 -
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Riccardo Rattazzi (EPFL)

*"The Quantum Mechanical Perfect Fluid"*


The physics of the 19th century was largely shaped by the development of 
two field theories, electro-dynamics and fluid-dynamics. The fate of of 
the two, with the advent of quantum mechanics and relativity in the 
following century, has been quite different. The former served the basis 
for quantum gauge theories and fundamental interaction  while  the 
latter remained mostly within the realm of classical physics. While 
relativity offers an obvious reason for that as concerns fundamental 
interactions, the reason for the different fate of fluid-dynamics in the 
quantum world is less evident.
In this talk I will report on the exploration of the perfect fluid 
through the lens of the modern effective field theory methodology. I 
will illustrate the different, and subtly inequivalent,  realizations of 
fluid mechanics in classical field theory and then discuss the quantum 
treatment with its rather unusual implications.



*16:00 /- /**/
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Sergei Dubovsky (New York University)


*"Confining Strings and the Worldsheet Axion from the Lattice"*



I will review the status of confining strings as observed in the lattice 
simulations of SU(N) Yang—Mills theory. The currently observed states 
are all well described by the low energy effective theory of a long 
string consisting of two translational Goldstone bosons ("phonons"), 
along with a massive pseudoscalar ("the worldsheet axion") coupled to 
phonons through a worldsheet  theta-term. Moreover, the leading 
axion-axion and axion-phonon interactions are well approximated by the 
TTbar deformation of a free axion. _*/




*To join via Zoom *(valid for *both seminars*):

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 983 7835 4650

Password: 032905

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