Joint ICTP/SISSA Condensed Matter Seminar, 13 June at 11:00am, Matteo Marinelli

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  Joint ICTP/SISSA Condensed Matter Seminar

** * * Tuesday**, 13 June 2023, 11:00**am ***(CET)** * **
In person: *Luigi Stasi Seminar Room **(Leonardo Building, second floor)***

Speaker: *Matteo Marinelli *(JILA - University of Colorado Boulder)

Title: *Towards High-Fidelity Control of Individual Qubits in Large 
Atomic Arrays

In May 2021, ETH Zurich and the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI) 
established the ETH-PSI Quantum Computing Hub to advance quantum 
technologies. The hub brings together trapped ions and superconducting 
qubits to scale current quantum platforms to larger quantum systems of 
tens of qubits, exploring the synergy of different technologies. In the 
first part of this talk, I will present the first room-temperature setup 
we built designed for the individual control of up to 50 trapped-ion 
qubits with high fidelity. This system houses a monolithic, segmented 3D 
ion trap fabricated through laser-enhanced etching of fused silica and 
makes use of laser-written waveguides to individually control each qubit.
In the second part, I will discuss preliminary results obtained at JILA 
working with Rydberg atoms in optical tweezer arrays. The low-vibration 
cryostat and a high optical access vacuum chamber enable us to develop a 
novel system that leverages scalable, ultracold Rydberg atom arrays for 
programmable quantum computation. The high-optical access vacuum chamber 
will allow us to create and control a large array using 3D optical 
lattices with site-resolved addressability and interaction control aided 
by optical tweezers. We will harness a bi-chromatic magic lattice to 
provide identical confinement for both ground and Rydberg states.

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