Algebraic Geometry Seminar in Udine: a reminder
Pietro De Poi
pietro.depoi at
Mon Jun 13 14:56:57 CEST 2022
I recall that tomorrow
*Tuesday 14th June at 2:30 p.m.
Emanuela Marangone (Notre Dame Univ., Indiana, USA) will give a seminar on
Title: The non-Lefschetz locus for vector bundle of rank 2 on P^2
Abstract: A finite length graded R-module M has the Weak Lefschetz
Property if there is a linear element l in R, polynomial ring in 3
variables, such that the multiplication map times l from degree i and
degree i+1 has maximal rank for every i. The set of linear forms with
this property form a Zariski-open set and its complement is called the
non-Lefschetz locus. We focus on the study of the non-Lefschetz locus
for the first cohomology module of a locally free sheaf E of rank 2 over
P^2, generalizing the case of complete intersections of codimention 3.
The main result is to show that this non-Lefschetz locus has the
expected codimension under the assumption that E is general.
venue: *sala riunioni - Udine University - *Dipartimento di Scienze
Matematiche, Informatiche e Fisiche
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