QLS seminar (Eugene Megnassan) in person on 25 August 2022 at 14:00 hrs CET
Quantitative Life Sciences
qls at ictp.it
Tue Aug 23 12:23:08 CEST 2022
Dear All,
On Thursday, 25 August 2022 at 14:00 hrs CET, Eugene Megnassan
(University D'Abobo-Adjame, Abidjan, Ivory Coast) will give a seminar
*Physics-based Simulations in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery against
neglected diseases *
This presentation outlines a low cost use of Molecular Mechanics-Poisson
Boltzmann approach (MM-PB) to describe interactions between inhibitors
and their macromolecular targets taking account of conformational
adaptation upon ligand binding. Computed Gibbs Free energy
(Protein-Inhibitor) of complex formation deltaG (enthalpic, entropic and
solvation components) for a set of inhibitors (training set) explains
their biological activity change and identifies their bioactive bound
conformation. The subsequent Pharmacophore (built from the bioactive
bound conformation) serves to explore the virtual chemical subspace in
the search of new more potent analogues of studied inhibitors. Five case
studies related to neglected diseases will be presented.
The seminar will be held in the *Common area, second floor, ex SISSA
building, *via Beirut, 2.
You are all most cordially invited to participate!
Best regards,
Erica Sarnataro
Group Secretary
Quantitative Life Sciences
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Trieste, Italy
Tel. +39-040-2240623
e-mail:qls at ictp.it
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