Cossa xe... a Frobenius manifold?

Rafael Torres rtorres at
Mon May 17 09:00:23 CEST 2021

Date/time: Friday May 21st, 11:00 am.

Title: Title: Cossa xe... a Frobenius manifold?

Speaker: Luis Felipe Lopez Reyes

Abstract: Frobenius Manifolds were invented by B. Dubrovin in 1991 to 
study certain types of Topological Field Theories. This structure is 
already found in the work of K. Saito (1983) while studying the versal 
deformation of a hypersurface singularity and its Gauss-Manin 
connection. In this talk, we will discuss how the Frobenius Manifold 
structure is constructed on the versal deformation of a hypersurface 

Sujet : Cossa xe... a Frobenius manifold?
Heure : 21 mai 2021 11:00 AM Rome

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