Cossa xe... Gauge theory with spectral triples?

Rafael Torres rtorres at
Mon Jun 21 09:00:21 CEST 2021

Date/time:  Friday June 25th, 11:00 am.

Title: Cossa xe... Gauge theory with spectral triples?

Speaker: Adam Magee

Abstract: Noncommutative geometry has a reputation for being somewhat 
esoteric, but it has elegant connections to all sorts of interesting 
mathematics and physics. In this talk, I will give a gentle, 
introductory tour of some basic concepts and constructions from Connes' 
NCG program based on spectral triples. In particular, to provide some 
motivation I'll focus on applications to gauge theory and particle 
physics. The talk is intended to be safe for mathematicians and 
physicists alike (but I'm not making any promises).

Sujet : Cossa xe... Gauge theory with spectral triples?
Heure : 25 juin 2021 11:00 AM Rome

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