Joint ICTP-SISSA-UniTS Data Science Seminar (Jake Yeung) via Zoom on 4 May 2021 at 15.00 CET

Quantitative Life Sciences Section qls at
Tue Apr 27 09:42:34 CEST 2021

Dear All,

The ICTP Quantitative Life Sciences Section is glad to announce the 
Joint ICTP-SISSA-UniTS Data Science Seminar "Single-cell dynamics in 
chromatin regulation: machine learning methods to understand gene 
regulation" by Jake Yeung, Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Fellow, 
Hubrecht Institute for Developmental Biology and Stem Cell Research, 
Utrecht, The Netherlands,

The zoom seminar will take place on Tuesday, 4 May at 15:00 CET,


Cells are the basic units of life. Although every cell in the body has 
essentially the same genetic code, histone modifications decorate the 
genome of different cells to establish distinct regions of the chromatin 
that are active or repressed. These cell type-specific chromatin states 
allow cells to turn on different genes and perform different functions. 
Recently, new techniques have begun to map these histone modifications 
at the single-cell level, opening up new machine learning opportunities 
to infer gene regulatory principles at unprecedented resolutions.

In this talk, I present two projects highlighting machine learning 
methods applied to these experimental technologies to reveal global 
insights in chromatin regulation in single cells.

First, I present a new technology, sortChIC (sort-assisted chromatin 
immunocleavage), and apply it to understand chromatin regulation during 
blood formation. I show machine learning methods to learn interpretable 
maps from these high-dimensional count data to predict regulators 
driving blood formation. Specifically, I infer transcription factor 
activities in single cells, revealing how blood stem cells rewire 
regulatory networks to become distinct mature blood cell types.

Second, I present scChIX (single-cell chromatin immunocleavage and 
unmixing), an integrated machine learning and experimental framework to 
understand the interplay between histone modifications in single cells. 
scChIX generates linked maps of active and repressive chromatin, 
allowing integrated analysis of different histone modifications in 
single cells. These linked maps reveal switching between active and 
repressive states during development of B cells in the blood.

Overall, machine learning methods integrated into new experimental 
technologies reveal global gene regulatory principles. <>

Zoom Meeting ID to attend the online seminar: 475-819-702

Join Zoom Meeting: <>

If you haven't registered for previous QLS webinars, please contact 
qls at to obtain the PASSWORD for this zoom meeting.

Kind regards,
Erica Sarnataro

Erica Sarnataro
Group Secretary
Quantitative Life Sciences
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)
Trieste,  Italy
Tel. +39-040-2240623
e-mail:qls at

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