Seminar @ DF-TS - Mon May 21st 2:30 pm - G. Torrieri

Rosita Glavina - Dip. Fisica UniTS Rosita.Glavina at
Wed May 16 17:31:53 CEST 2018

We are pleased to announce the seminar @ DF-Theory Section UniTs:

Giorgio Torrieri
Departamento de Raio Cosmicos e Cronologia, Istituto de Fisica Gleb 
Wataghin (DRCC, IFGW) Campinas, Brazil

"The Unruh effect, the equivalence principle, and quantum field theory"

Monday, May 21st 2018 - 2:30 pm
Room 204, Leonardo Building, Strada Costiera, 11

The idea that the Unruh effect has a role in the apparent thermalization 
of systems produced in hadronic collisions has gained quite a lot of 
popularity in the last few years [1]. The systematic exploration of this 
idea, however, is hindered by the fact that the conceptual basis for the 
Unruh effect is still a controversial subject. In particular, 
calculations such as [2] suggest that the Unruh effecqut can be 
understood as a quantum field theory equivalent of a ''Coriolis force'' 
accounting for the non-inertiality of the reference frame rather than an 
''objective'' physical effect.
The correctness of this picture does not rule out the Unruh 
thermalization scenario, bust suggests that it can be understood as a 
version of strong-field thermalization viewed in a non-inertial frame.
We use neutrino oscillations as a laboratory to this example, show that 
it indicates a fundamental issue between the equivalence principle and 
quantum fieldtheory and suggest ways to resolve this.

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