talk by C. Araujo

Ugo Bruzzo bruzzo at
Sun Jun 10 08:59:53 CEST 2018


Prof. Carolina Araujo (IMPA, Rio de Janeiro) will give a talk on

Characterization of generic projective space bundles and applications to foliations

on Thursday, June 14th, at 2:3 0pm in Room 139.


The existence of sufficiently positive subsheaves  of the tangent bundle of a complex projective manifold X
imposes strong restrictions on X.
In particular, several special varieties can be characterized by positivity properties of their tangent bundle.
There are various notions of positivity for distributions on complex projective manifolds.
In this talk we consider distributions having big slope with respect to curve classes,
obtaining characterizations of generic projective space bundles  in terms of  movable curve classes.
We then apply this result to investigate algebraicity of leaves of foliations, providing
a lower bound for the algebraic rank of a foliation in terms of invariants measuring positivity.
This is a joint work with Stéphane Druel.

U. bruzzo

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