Enrico Schlesinger seminar

beorchia at units.it beorchia at units.it
Thu Jan 11 10:02:40 CET 2018

On Tuesday 16th January 2018,
prof. Enrico Schlesinger from the Politecnico of Milano will deliver  
the following seminar:

TITLE: On the construction of space primitive multiple lines with good  

The problem of finding the maximum genus for local Cohen Macaulay  
curves in the projective space
consists of determining the maximum arithmetic genus P(d,s) of a  
degree d curve not contained in
a surface of degree s. A higher limitation for P(d,s) has been found  
by Beorchia and Schlesinger,
and it is conjecturally an equality. The existence of optimal examples  
would follow if one could prove the existence of certain multiple  
primitive lines with good cohomology. In this seminar I intend to  
explain what are the primitive multiple lines with good cohomology and  
illustrate their possible construction, reporting some results. Some  
of them have been obtained in collaboration with Valentina Beorchia  
and Paolo Lella.

VENUE: Seminar room, 3rd floor, Department of Mathematics and  
Geoscience, via Valerio 12/1, University' of Trieste

Schedule:  9:30 a.m.

Valentina Beorchia, PhD
Dipartimento di Matematica e Geoscienze
Universita' degli Studi di Trieste
Via Valerio 12/1
34127 Trieste, Italia

Stanza 236, II piano
e-mail: beorchia at units.it
tel. studio (++) 040 558 2656
tel. segreteria Dip.: (++)040 558 2635 oppure 2618
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