Reminder: NCG seminar today

Emanuele Tuillier Illingworth tuillier at
Mon Apr 23 08:22:36 CEST 2018

Adam Skalski :
*Translation invariant Dirichlet forms in the context of locally compact 
quantum groups*

Location: A-136
Monday, April 23, 2018 - 14:15 to 15:15

Since the work of Cipriani on one hand and Goldstein and Lindsay on the 
other in the 1990s it is known that certain natural class of symmetric 
Markov semigroups on a von Neumann algebra M equipped with a faithful 
normal state admits extensions to associated Haagerup L^p-spaces and 
is characterised via a Dirichlet property of the generating quadratic 
form on the L^2-space. Recently Cipriani, Franz and Kula studied a 
special class of such semigroups associated to compact quantum groups.
In this talk I will discuss how their results extend to the framework of 
locally compact quantum groups, where two new important technical 
features appear: there is no natural "algebraic" domain for the 
generator and one needs to work with weights, as opposed to finite 
states (using the extension of the appropriate Dirichlet form result 
provided by Goldstein and Lindsay).
I will also present some applications of Dirichlet forms to the study of 
geometric properties of quantum groups. This is based on joint work with 

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