Save the date: EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2016_ (21-22 Sept.2016)

Susanne Henningsen hennings at
Mon Aug 1 14:29:28 CEST 2016

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*Save the date: EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2016_ (21-22 Sept.2016)* <#>

*EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2016 BIOECONOMY, including marine and 
maritime research 21-22 September 2016, CSIR-NIO, Goa, India*

The *Conference* “EU-India STI Cooperation Days 2016: BIOECONMY, 
including marine and maritime research”, aims at *supporting new 
research and business networks* on issues of priority interest for India 
and Europe.

Organised by the *Indigo Policy* and *Inno Indigo *projects, the 
EU-India STI Cooperation days bring together researchers, SMEs and 
policy makers to discuss the latest policy, research and innovation 
developments in the field of bioeconomy and offer extended networking 

Discussions will cover four topics:

 1. research and innovation all along the food chain, from primary
    production, food processing to healthy and safe foods and diets.
 2. Testing, demonstrating, scaling-up and bringing to the market
    innovative marine and maritime technologies, products and services,
    as well as exploring the interactions between the oceans and human
    health, and strengthening the capability to observe and map oceans
    and seas basins.
 3. Innovation as driver for rural development, with a particular
    emphasis on developing framework conditions for innovation and new
    business models adapted to the rural context, and support for skills
    development in rural communities.
 4. Securing sustainable biomass supply for biobased goods and services
    and the future development of bio-based markets, for example by
    promoting stakeholder engagement.

The main conference sessions are:

  * *Europe-India collaboration on bioeconomy research and innovation:
    setting the scene*: Learn about the latest policy developments in
    EU-India research and innovation cooperation from European Union and
    Indian Department of Bioeconomy officials and global leaders.
  * *Significant outcomes and collaboration potential of EU-India
    research and innovation projects*: presentation and discussion with
    the audience in four parallel sessions on: Sustainable Food
    Security, Blue Growth, Rural Renaissance, Bio-based innovation for
    sustainable goods and services
  * *Valorisation workshop: *A panel of experts shows the roads from
    research results to commercialisation.
  * *Open house for funding and cooperation opportunities:
    *Representative from European and Indian funding agencies, embassies
    and initiatives supporting research and innovation cooperation
    involve the participants in small group discussions
  * *Young Scientist Competition*: young European and Indian researchers
    present their project ideas in short videos and compete to become
    the INDIGO Young Scientist 2016 and participate in the conference of
    their choice.
  * *Open Space: Priority setting*: Cooperation priorities for the
    future are identified. All participants will have the chance to
    build the agenda on the spot by suggesting a topic they feel
    passionate about for in-depth group discussion and explore its
    potential for future partnerships.
  * *Networking Café*: meet other participants in pre-arranged
    bilateral meetings to discuss your own project, programme or
    initiative and reinforce the relationship with your actual or
    potential Indian or European interlocutors.

Visit the event website <> and 

Media contact:

Emanuela Dané dane at <mailto:dane at>; Serena Borgna 
borgna at <mailto:borgna at>; Aurelie Pachkoff 
pachkoff at <mailto:pachkoff at>


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