Manuel Friedrich's seminar at SISSA

Emanuele Tuillier Illingworth tuillier at
Mon Mar 9 16:02:39 CET 2015


Manuel Friedrich (Universität Augsburg)

A quantitative geometric rigidity result in SBD and the derivation of 
linearized models from nonlinear Griffith energies

We derive Griffith functionals in the framework of linearized elasticity 
from nonlinear and frame-indifferent energies in brittle fracture via 
Gamma-convergence. The convergence is given in terms of rescaled 
configurations measuring the displacement of the deformations from 
piecewise rigid motions which are constant on each connected component 
of the cracked body. The key ingredient to establish a compactness 
result is a quantitative geometric rigidity result for special functions 
of bounded deformation.  This estimate generalizes the result of 
Friesecke, James, Mueller in nonlinear elasticity theory and the 
piecewise rigidity result of Chambolle, Giacomini, Ponsiglione for SBV 
functions which do not store elastic energy.

Venue: SISSA, room 005 (ground floor), Tuesday 24 March at 11:00.

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