Fwd: Alumni Colloquium @ DF - Thu Dec 18th 4.30 pm - Riccardo Penco

Rosita Glavina - Dip. Fisica UniTS rosita.glavina at ts.infn.it
Thu Dec 11 11:58:03 CET 2014

  Within the series of Alumnorum Colloquia 2014/2015, we are pleased to 
announce the Colloquium @ DF UniTs:

Riccardo Penco

Department of Physics & ISCAP, Columbia University

"Effective field theory approaches to condensed matter systems"

Thursday December 18th 2014 - 4:30 pm
Lecture room A, F building
Dip. di Fisica - via Valerio, 2 -- Trieste

It is impossible to overstate the crucial role that symmetries play in 
physics. Perhaps counterintuitively, though, some of the most 
interesting consequences of symmetries arise when they get broken --- 
spontaneously broken, to be precise. This is because of the Goldstone 
phenomenon, which implies the existence of certain low-energy 
excitations --- the Goldstone modes --- whose properties and 
interactions are tightly constrained by the symmetries. In this talk, I 
will discuss several systems in which relativity is spontaneously 
broken, ranging from ordinary solids, to vortex lines in superfluids and 
more general systems with a finite charge density. I will focus in 
particular on the Goldstone sector, which is a universal and robust 
component of all these systems, and in the process I will show how 
modern effective field theory techniques can provide a fresh and 
insightful approach to condensed matter systems.

The leaflet can be downloaded here 

The calendar of seminars taking place at the Physics Department is 
available at http://df.units.it/
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