Seminar at DF-TS - Dr. André Großardt - Tuesday June 25th - The Schroedinger-Newton equation

Rosita Glavina Rosita.Glavina at
Mon Jun 24 13:23:50 CEST 2013

  We are pleased to announce the seminar @ DF-Theoretical Section UniTs:

Dr. André Großardt
Center of Applied Space Technology and Microgravity (ZARM), Universität 

"The Schrödinger-Newton equation as a model for self-gravitating quantum 

Tuesday June 25th - 2.30 pm
Euler Lecture Hall - LB

The time-dependent Schrödinger-Newton equation is considered as a model 
for the gravitational self-interaction of a quantum system. It can be 
motivated as the non-relativistic limit of a gravitationally interacting 
relativistic field. Namely, we show that the Schrödinger-Newton equation 
can be derived in a WKB-like expansion in 1/c from the 
Einstein-Klein-Gordon and Einstein-Dirac system.
The dynamical evolution of a wave packet according to the 
Schrödinger-Newton equation leads to inhibitions of the quantum 
mechanical dispersion and therefore should be observable in experiments 
like interferometry of heavy molecules. The masses needed for 
significant inhibitions of dispersion are still beyond the reach of 
current experiments but might be feasible in the foreseeable future.

- D. Giulini and A. Großardt, Gravitationally induced inhibitions of 
dispersion according to the Schrödinger-Newton equation, Class. Quant. 
Grav., 2011, 28, 195026, arXiv:1105.1921
- D. Giulini and A. Großardt, The Schrödinger-Newton equation as 
nonrelativistic limit of gravitating Klein-Gordon and Dirac fields, 
Class. Quant. Grav., 2012, 29, 215010, arXiv:1206.4250
- D. Giulini and A. Großardt, Gravitationally induced inhibitions of 
dispersion according to a modified Schrödinger-Newton equation for a 
homogeneous-sphere potential, to be published, arXiv:1212.5146

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