DIAnet project - Thematic Seminars dedicated to Horizon 2020 - September, 17th-19th - AREA Science Park - Trieste (Italy)

Henningsen hennings at ictp.it
Thu Aug 1 11:29:44 CEST 2013

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nell'ambito delle attività del Comitato APRE FVG siamo lieti di 
informarvi che AREA Science Park di Trieste, all'interno del progetto 
DIAnet, organizza dal 17 al 19 settembre tre seminari tematici gratuiti, 
dedicati al nuovo programma europeo Horizon 2020.
Desideriamo informarvi che le agende di ogni seminario sono pubblicate 
on-line, che il modulo di pre-registrazione agli eventi è attivo e, 
infine, chiedere cortesemente la vostra collaborazione per dare la 
massima diffusione agli eventi.
Ringraziandovi per la gentile collaborazione, rimaniamo a vostra 
disposizione per ogni ulteriore informazione.
Un cordiale saluto.

Serena Pulcini

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Dear Colleagues,
in the framework of the activities promoted by the Comitato APRE FVGwe 
are pleased to inform you that, in the framework of the DIAnet project, 
AREA Science Park of Trieste is organizing three Thematic Seminars in 
September (17^th -19^th ) dedicated to Horizon 2020.

We wish to inform you that the Agenda of each seminar is on-line and the 
form of pre-registration is active.

We would also like to ask you to help us promote the events through your 
existing channels (e.g. in your newsletter or sending the news to people 
potentially interested in the topic).

Thank you for your collaboration and we are at your disposal for any 
further information.

Kind regards.

Serena Pulcini

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*New seminars' cycle dedicated to Horizon 2020 in September in the 
framework of the project DIAnet project organized by AREA Science Park 
(Trieste, Italy) *

*/Horizon 2020 - Thematic Seminars - 17th-19th September 2013 - DIAnet 
project - AREA Science Park -- Trieste (Italy) /*
In the framework of DIAnet project 
Danube Initiative and Alps Adriatic Network -- AREA Science Park 
(Trieste, Italy) organizes a new cycle of free thematic seminars 
dedicated to Horizon 2020, the new European Programme for Research and 
Innovation (2014-2020).

This cycle is part of a programme of *15 thematic seminars addressed to 
sharing good practices and transfer competences*, intended firstly for 
technical, administrative and managerial staff working for the DIAnet 
network member institutions.

The three Thematic Seminars dedicated to Horizon 2020:

· *International cooperation to foster internationalization in science 
and technology - /September 17, 2013/*
· *Methodologies and techniques for the drafting of successful project 
proposals towards Horizon 2020- /September 18, 2013/*
· *The management of EU-funded projects in the framework of the new 
programming period - /September 19, 2013/*

More information about the agenda of each Seminar and pre-registration 
The web site:*www.welcomeoffice.fvg.it/dianet 

Help desk*:* *dianet-seminars at area.trieste.it 
<mailto:dianet-seminars at area.trieste.it>*

Best regards.
The DIAnet staff.

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Serena Pulcini

Ufficio Coordinamento e Internazionalizzazione

degli Enti di Ricerca regionali

Servizio Formazione Progettazione e Gestione progetti
AREA Science Park
Padriciano, 99 - 34149 Trieste

Tel.  0039 040 3755142

Fax. 0039 040 3755320

www.area.trieste.it <http://www.area.trieste.it>

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