Next week seminars

Cond.Matt. & Stat.Mech.Section cm at
Wed May 2 15:11:03 CEST 2012



Tuesday, 8 May   -   11:30 hrs.

Luigi Stasi Seminar Room -    ICTP Leonardo Building - 1st floor

Z. BURDA     ( Jagellonian University, Krakow )

"Product of free identically   distributed R-diagonal random matrices"


 We show that the eigenvalue density of the product of n identically distributed R-diagonal random matrices from a given matrix ensemble is equal to the eigenvalue density of n-th power of a single matrix from this ensemble in the limit of infinite matrix size. Using this observation one can derive the limiting eigenvalue density of the product of n independent identically distributed matrices for non-Hermitian matrix ensembles with invariant measures. We discuss two examples: the product of n Girko-Ginibre matrices and the product of n truncated unitary matrices.


SEMINAR on  Disorder and strong electron correlations


Thursday, 10 May -  11:30 a.m.


Luigi Stasi Seminar Room,  Leonardo Building - first floor



Sergey DENISOV     ( University of Augsburg )


"Current rectification in  ac-driven Hamiltonian systems: From classical to quantum ratchets"




I will start with a short introduction into the ratchet problem by using a simple model of a particle in an ac-driven periodic potential, give a basic on the symmetry analysis, and discuss the  mechanisms of current rectification in the Hamiltonian limit.  Theoretical findings are illustrated with the experimental results obtained with cold atoms and optical potentials.  Next I will turn to  the quantum limit, specify quantum features of ac-driven Hamiltonian ratchets, and review the recent experimental realization of the quantum flashing/tilting ratchet with BEC of Rubidium atoms. Finally, the performance of quantum ratchets in the presence of decoherence will be addressed.

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