High Energy Physics Seminar,TUESDAY, 31 JULY, 16:30 p.m.

Hatefi Ehsan ehatefi at ictp.it
Mon Jul 30 16:07:50 CEST 2012

Dear All,

You are already invited to attend the high energy seminar which will be
held on tomorrow ,TUESDAY, 31 JULY,  16:30 p.m.

This is an announcement for High Energy Physics Seminar
Subject: High Energy Physics Seminar

Title:   "Tree/loop Superstring amplitudes and geometry - strategy for
deriving  AdS/CFT"

Speaker: Inyong PARK(Philander Smith College, Little Rock, USA)

We propose two main ingredients for 1st principle derivation of AdS/CFT in
the (near) future.The first is how the geometry arises in the open
string/SYM setup and the 2nd is an open string conversion into a closed
string in the strong coupling limit. In this talk, we discuss the
first ingredient by looking at open string scatterings on D-branes at loop
levels. The loop amplitudes in general become divergent.
We propose that the divergences should be cancelled by counter vertex
operator that can be constructed out of the sigma model in
thecorresponding D-brane geometry. Several checks will be discussed. If
true, the proposal
establishes connection between open string loops and the host D-brane

Date:    TUESDAY, 31 JULY,  16:30 p.m.

Venue:   Luigi Stasi SEMINAR ROOM -  ICTP Leonardo Bldg.

Hour:    16:30

Hope to see all of you there,

With my best regards
Ehsan Hatefi

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