Fwd: programma "Boltzmann's day"

Emanuele Tuillier Illingworth tuillier at sissa.it
Wed Feb 15 11:05:43 CET 2012





On the occasion of the anniversary of the birth of Ludwig Boltzmann
the Interdisciplinary Laboratory of SISSA has the pleasure to announce

On Monday, February 20, 2012, SISSA, Via Bonomea 265, rooms 128/129

11.00 - Herbert Spohn, TU Muenchen
Matrix-valued Boltzmann equations

14.00 - Angelo Vulpiani, La Sapienza – Roma
The role of chaos for the foundation of statistical mechanics

15.00 - Coffee break

15.30 - Film Ludwig Boltzmann: The genius of disorder (2006)


Claudia Parma
Laboratorio Interdisciplinare - SISSA
Via Bonomea, 265 - 34136 TRIESTE
tel. +39 040 3787401; fax +39 040 3787563
e-mail: claudia.parma at sissa.it

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