Dynamical Systems Seminars (31 July)

math math at ictp.it
Tue Jul 21 11:29:43 CEST 2009


Friday, 31 July

at 14:30

Professor Sandro Vaienti
(CPT, Marseille, France)

"Some properties of randomly perturbed dynamical systems"


at 15:45

Professor Alberto Verjovsky
(UNAM, Cuernavaca, Mexico)

"A symplectic foliation of the 5-sphere"

Abstract: We explain the construction of a smooth codimension-one 
foliation on the 5-sphere in which every leaf is a symplectic 
four-manifold and such that the symplectic structure varies smoothly.
The construction implies the existence of a complete regular Poisson 
structure on the five-sphere.
Apart from some spheres which can be foliated by Riemann surfaces (this 
foliations are orientable and therefore symplectic) this example 
provides the only example of a regular Poisson structure on a sphere. 
This is joint work with Pablo Suarez (CIMAT, Mexico).

Venue: ICTP, Leonardo Building, Seminar Room

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