Mathematics Seminar at ICTP - this week
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Mon Feb 23 16:50:12 CET 2009
M A T H E M A T I C S S E M I N A R S 2009
Thursday, 26 February at 15:00 hrs
Dr. Gyan Prakash
(Universite' de Bordeaux 1, Talence, France)
"Sum-free sets, sets with small sumset and the clique number of random
Cayley graphs."
Abstract: A subset $A$ of an abelian group is said to be sum-free if
is no solution of the equation $x+y =z$ with $x,y, z \in A.$
Given a subset $B$ of a finite abelian group $G$, the set $B+B$
consists of
all those elements of $G$, which can be written as a sum of two
elements of
$B$. We say that a set has small sumset if the cardinality of $B+B$
is not
much larger in compare to the cardinality of $B.$
In a joint work with R. Balasubramanian and D.S. Ramana, we observe
that in
certain groups, the question of counting the total number of sum-free
is related to the question of counting the number of sets with small
In another work, we obtain an upper bound for the number of sets with
sumset. Using this one obtain an upper bound for the number of sum-
free sets
in a finite abelian groups of "type III" which is substantially
better than
the bound implied by the result of Ben Green and Imre Ruzsa.
Moreover using this, one also obtain an existence of Ramsey graphs among
Cayley graphs and thereby proving a weaker version of a conjecture of
Venue: SEMINAR ROOM, (ICTP Leonardo Building, first floor)
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