SEMINAR ANNOUNCEMENTS: OATs-DAUT SEMINAR, Wedn. June 11, at 12:00 noon, and WELCOME SEMINAR by G. Granato on Thur. June 12 at 12:00 noon

Gabriella Schiulaz schiulaz at
Mon Jun 9 11:15:31 CEST 2008

I announce you next OAT-DAUT seminar (on Wednesday):
                    OATS-DAUT SEMINAR 
Speaker: Filippo Mannucci (INAF/Istituto di Radioastronomia Firenze) 

Title: Mass, Metallicity and Dynamics of high-redshift galaxies 

Date: Wednesday, June 11th, 2008 
Time: 12:00 
Venue: Villa Bazzoni (via Bazzoni, 2)

Abstract: We present the first results of two ongoing projects aimed at studying the detail properties of galaxies at z>3: LSD (Lyman-break galaxies Stellar populations and Dynamics) and AMAZE (Assessing the Mass Abundance redshift Evolution). These projects use deep near-infrared IFU spectroscopic observations of a sample of ~40 LBGs at z>3 to estimate gas-phase metallicity and dynamical properties. These galaxies already follow a well-defined mass-metallicity relation which shows a strong evolution to z=2 and z=0. This result puts severe constraints on the models of galaxy evolution involving stellar winds, AGN feedback and galaxy merging. 
contact: Stefano Cristiani (OATS) 

Future Seminar (please note it is on Thursday):
This seminar will be held by Gianluigi Granato, who has taken on office 
at the Astronomical Observatory as Astronomo Associato since 1st June.
Speaker: Gianluigi Granato (INAF-OATS) 

Title: Ab-initio models of galaxy formation: are we kidding ourselves? 

Date: Thursday, June 12th, 2008 
Time: 12:00 
Venue: Villa Bazzoni (Via Bazzoni, 2)
This seminar is actually a pretext to introduce myself before a "likof". 

I will present some remarks on the ingredients and uncertainties in galaxy formation models, 
and remind the audience how poorly they performed in the last 10-15 years in anticipating 
new observations. Then I will describe the scenario of galaxy formation on which 
we have been and we are sworking, namely a two phase galaxy formation process 
as the main channel to originate the disk-spheroid dichotomy. 

For additional information on OAT seminars see:

Gabriella Schiulaz
segreteria OAT
Phone: 040-3199241
schiulaz at
segreteria at

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