Hello all, I having trouble reading NetCDF files written by RegCM-5.0.0. I can’t seem to read DOMAIN files, ICBC files and model output files (SRF, ATM, etc). I’ve tried three different software packages: ToolsUI, Panoply and IDL. Both ToolsUI
and Panoply give CDM validation errors (they are both Java apps). IDL throws a "NC_ERROR=-128 // Attempt to use feature that was not turned on when netCDF was
Simple tools like ncdump and ncview seem to work, so I wonder if more complicated tools are requiring CDM validation and for some reason RegCM-5.0.0 outputs are not compliant. I
would just think I have a bad build, but I am getting it both on my local compile (compiled with NetCDF 4.9.0) and in our HPC center (NetCDF
Firstly, has anyone else run into this problem. Secondly, is there a way to salvage the files with NCO or nccopy commands? I have a RegCM5 benchmark simulation completed, but I can’t open the files to analyze the model output.
Thank you