Dear RegCM community,
I have installed the RegCM 4.7.1 model for my work recently. I configured the model with zlib-1.2.13, hdf5-1.14.0, NetCDF-c-4.9.1, Netcdf-fortran-4.6.0 and NetCDF-cxx-4.3.1. I am compiling the CLM45 version with mpirun.
As suggested in the User guide, I have obtained the model outputs for the small test runs (where I turned off the option to get restart files). However, my work requires me to run a 2-year long simulation with chemistry options. This generates enormous single files due to which I have to split my run into smaller runs and use the restart option. But the runs fail with the error:
"Cannot save idatex"
"NetCDF: Not a valid data type or FillValue mismatch"
I have attached the error message below for your reference. I have tried many things from mixing and matching the different netcdf versions to hoping for a change, but the error persists despite all the effort. Any kind of help is greatly appreciated and suggestions of all forms are welcome. I am really at my wit's end here.
With warm regards
Sarin TS
Doctoral student
Aerosol, Air Quality and Climate Lab
School of Earth, Oceans, and Climate Sciences (SEOCS)Indian Institute of Technology, BhubaneswarAlternate Email ID: