Dear RegCM users,
I tried to install and build RegCM-4.7.0; all steps in the Users' Guide that I followed were successful until I ran where I tried to enter the command:
mpirun -np 8 ./bin/regcmMPI
I also tried to use the debug form:
mpirun -np 8 ./bin/regcmMPIDEBUG
In both cases, there is a segmentation fault error in running
In the build and compile stage, I used the following:
./configure CC=icc FC=mpif90 --with-netcdf-=/opt/intel-18.0/netcdf-4.4.4 --enable-debug
make && make install
I believe the error might be in the mpi but in case someone has already experienced this error, can you share what you did to solve the segmentation fault? When I used FC=ifort, there are errors in the make && make install stages but there are no errors for FC=mpif90 so I used the latter.