I am running RegCM4.5 on a stand alone system of Z840 with GCMs EIN15 and HadGEM2, it is running in a smooth way. When I am running with the same configuration and same namelist file on High Performance Computational (HPC) System, the model with EIN15 is running smooth while there is an error in making SST in HadGEM2. The system is not directed to the path where the sst file is located and also the file name is slightly different. An screen shot of the error is embedded below;


The command has to follow the path (also note the file name is slightly changed to ----12 in HPC): /home/akhtar/RegCM-

Kindly help me to resolve this issue.


Akhtar Ali Memon, Manager
Regional & Global Climate Change Studies
Cell # : +923322788727