Hi Eva,

You can get u10 and v10 from the SRF output. They are called uas and vas there.



On 2017-07-26 21:09, eva kypraiou wrote:


Hello everyone,

I am a new user of RegCM, and I have downloaded the latest version of the program (RegCM4.6).  I managed to run the program for a future period of  2 years. The problem is that I can't understand how I can get the results for u10 and v10 (the wind speed at 10m height). The only relevant results I found are 'ua' and 'va' for every vertical level (kz), from ATM outputs .I think that a previous version of RegCM (RegCM3.1)  supported this option with the parametrs 'u10m' and 'v10m'. Can you please advise me on this matter?
Thanks in advance,

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