First, when configuring RegCM, once the prerequisites are built, tested and installed, it seems that RegCM tries to find the netcdf.mod from netcdf-fortran inside the include directory of netcdf and not in netcdf-fortran include directory. This happens althought I am giving configure the adequate CPPFLAGS paths to the include directories. Then I have made a soft link to the mod file. Second, once the configure problem is solved (in an ugly manner) as told before, when compiling batslib in the make stage it simply stops and says: *** No hay ninguna regla para construir el objetivo 'mod_bats_leaftemp.F90', necesario para 'mod_bats_leaftemp.o'. Alto. or translated: *** No rule to make target 'mod_bats_leaftemp.F90', needed by 'mod_bats_leaftemp.o'. Stop. Here, I have no clue what is going on. ---------------------------------Build details---------------------------------- First I made a build with mvapich2 library, but later I tried a mpich build, since I thought that it could be a source of error. This is not the case, since both end at the same error in batslib and also when mpif90 is used for some of the modules before batslib both --mvapich2 and mpich-- succeed in the build of them. I am building zlib, mpich, hdf5, netcdf and netcdf-fortran from source with gcc and gfortran, using the following commands zlibnam=zlib-1.2.11 zlibbdir=${libsb}/${zlibnam} zlibidir=${libs}/zlib/${zlibnam} cd ${zlibbdir} ./configure --prefix=${zlibidir} --static make make test make check make install mpicnam=mpich-3.2 mpicbdir=${libsb}/${mpicnam} mpicidir=${libs}/mpich/${mpicnam} cd ${mpicbdir} ./configure --prefix=${mpicidir} make make test make check make install hdf5nam=hdf5-1.10.0 hdf5bdir=${libsb}/${hdf5nam}-patch1 hdf5idir=${libs}/hdf5/${hdf5nam} cd ${hdf5bdir} ./configure --prefix=${hdf5idir} --with-zlib=${zlibidir}/include,${zlibidir}/lib --disable-shared --disable-cxx --disable-fortran make make test make check make install ncdfnam=netcdf- ncdfbdir=${libsb}/${ncdfnam} ncdfidir=${libs}/netcdf/${ncdfnam} cd ${ncdfbdir} CPPFLAGS="-I${hdf5idir}/include -I${zlibidir}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${hdf5idir}/lib -L${zlibidir}/lib" LIBS="-lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz" ./configure --prefix=${ncdfidir} --disable-shared --disable-dap --enable-netcdf4 make make test make check make install nfornam=netcdf-fortran-4.4.4 nforbdir=${libsb}/${nfornam} nforidir=${libs}/netcdf-fortran/${nfornam} cd ${nforbdir} export PATH=${ncdfidir}/bin:${PATH} CPPFLAGS="-I${ncdfidir}/include -I${hdf5idir}/include -I${zlibidir}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${ncdfidir}/lib -L${hdf5idir}/lib -L${zlibidir}/lib" LIBS="-lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz" ./configure --prefix=${nforidir} --disable-shared make make test make check make install ln -s ${nforidir}/include/* ${ncdfidir}/include/ regcmnam=RegCM- regcmbdir=${libsb}/${regcmnam} regcmidir=${libs}/RegCM/${regcmnam} tar -zxvf ${regcmnam}.tar.gz cd ${regcmbdir} export PATH=${zlibidir}/bin:${mpicidir}/bin:${hdf5idir}/bin:${nforidir}/bin:$PATH ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I${nforidir}/include -I${ncdfidir}/include -I${hdf5idir}/include -I${zlibidir}/include -I${mpicidir}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${nforidir}/lib -L${ncdfidir}/lib -L${hdf5idir}/lib -L${zlibidir}/lib -L${mpicidir}/lib" LIBS="-lnetcdff -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 -lz" --prefix=${regcmidir} make #make test #make check #make install