Dear regcm users
This is Suman Maity from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. I have a very basic query regarding closure approximation in the cumulus convection scheme. This is as follows:
As per my knowledge there is two closure approximation available in RegCM
1) Arakawa-Schubert (AS)
2) Fritcsh-Chappell (FC)
Also a no. of cumulus convection scheme (CCS) is available viz., Kuo, Grell, MIT, Tiedke and Kain Fritcsh scheme. My query is:
Did these closures have any impact on the chosen CCS except Grell? I have seen some literature that the experiment was performed using Grell with AS closure and Grell with FC closure separately and proved that Grell with FC has better performance than Grell with AS and consequently these closure approximation has strong impact on the Grell scheme. My question is whether these closure approximation has impact on other scheme viz., Kuo, MIT, Tiedke and Kain Fritcsh scheme? or they are independent of closure approximation? Because I have never seen any article of this type. Specifically the experiment Tiedke with AS and Tiedke with FC different results and the same is true for MIT, Kuo and Kain-Fritcsh scheme? Please reply.
Any kind of information is highly accepted.

With Regards
'S Maity'
Suman Maity
Research Scholar
Center for Ocean, Rivers, Atmosphere and Land Sciences(CORAL)
Indian Institute Of Technology Kharagpur.