Dear Regcm users
I'm regcm user and want to guide me, please.
I want to study direct radiative effects of dust events and its climatic feedbacks in western Iran using Regcm4.5. I ran Regcm4.5 for 2004-2012 with active dust module and under two condition active indirect and inactive indirect effects. After run, i started interpretation of my outputs. But my outputs are confusing. I had no change in all factors such as precipitation, sensible heat flux, radiation and etc. My results in active dust effect run is same as with standard (control) run.
Its impossible. It is my namelist. Please view it and i want to know your idea which can help me and I need to your guides.
! this namelist prepare by Najafi for Thesis and Dust
iy = 64,
jx = 64,
kz = 18,
nsg = 1,
iproj = 'LAMCON',
ds = 50.0,
ptop = 5.0,
clat = 30.00,
clon = 47.50,
plat = 30.00,
plon = 47.50,
truelatl = 30.0,
truelath = 50.0,
i_band = 0,
domname = 'DUST',
smthbdy = .false.,
lakedpth = .false.,
ltexture = .true.,
fudge_lnd = .false.,
fudge_lnd_s = .false.,
fudge_tex = .false.,
fudge_tex_s = .false.,
dirter = '/home/saeed/Desktop/Regcm4.5/rcmsimulation/input',
inpter = '/home/saeed/Desktop/regdata/',
debug_level = 1,
dbgfrq = 3,
nspgx = 12,
nspgd = 12,
ibdyfrq = 6,
ssttyp = 'OI_WK',
dattyp = 'EIN15',
gdate1 = 2003010100,
gdate2 = 2012123100,
dirglob = '/home/saeed/Desktop/Regcm4.5/rcmsimulation/input',
inpglob = '/home/saeed/Desktop/regdata/'
lat0 = 0.0
lat1 = 0.0
lon0 = 0.0
lon1 = 0.0
ifrest = .true. ,
mdate0 = 2003100100,
mdate1 = 2012010100,
mdate2 = 2012123100,
dtrad = 30.,
dtabem = 18.,
dtsrf = 600.,
dt = 150.,
ifsave = .true. ,
savfrq = 7200.,
ifatm = .true. ,
atmfrq = 6.,
ifrad = .true. ,
radfrq = 6.,
ifsrf = .true. ,
ifsub = .true. ,
srffrq = 6.,
ifchem = .true.,
ifopt = .true.,
chemfrq = 6.,
iboudy = 5,
ibltyp = 1,
icup_lnd = 2,
icup_ocn = 2,
igcc = 1,
ipptls = 1,
iocnflx = 2,
ipgf = 0,
iemiss = 1,
lakemod = 0,
ichem = 1,
scenario = 'RCP8.5',
idcsst = 0,
iseaice = 0,
idesseas = 0,
iconvlwp = 0,
qck1land = .250E-03,
qck1oce = .250E-03,
cevaplnd = .100E-02,
caccrlnd = 3.000,
cftotmax = 0.75,
chemsimtype = 'DUST ',
ichsolver = 1,
ichsursrc = 1,
ichdrdepo = 1,
ichebdy = 1,
ichcumtra = 0,
ichdustemd = 2,
ichdiag = 1,
idirect = 2, (in inactive run was 1)
rdstemfac = 1.0,
fpftcon = '',
fsnowoptics = '',
fsnowaging = '',