Dear regcnet users,

I have run ReGCM-4.1 for six month (March-June)on a domain Meddle East, with EIN15 6-hourly reanalyses and OI_WK SST as

 boundary conditions. Although the RegCM4 accurately simulated the spatial distribution in precipitation on all of domain but, it is overestimated over more of domain and the region in comparison with observations.  

 (figure for 6 month (March-june) total rainfall of ReGCM-4.1 and 4 observations And namelist of model configuration are attached).


-Simplified Kuo (Anthes et al. 1987) -Grell (Grell 1993)

-Emanuel (1991)

Cumulus parameterization scheme

 MEADLE EAST framework

-20.0, km horizontal resolution

-Central Lat. and Lon. 35.00 °N, 45.00°E

–160 (Lat.) ´192 (Lon.)





Planetary boundary layer scheme

BATS (Dickinson et al. 1993)

Land surface model

Lambert conformal

Map projection

23 sigma

Vertical layers

2004020100 -2004063000 (6month)

Simulation period

SUBEX (Pal et al. 2000)

Resolved scale precipitation


Sea Surface Temperature

Modified CCM3 (Kiehl et al. 1996)

Radiative transfer

ERA-Interim (EIN15)

Boundary data



 Can anybody suggest of tuning any other parameter/variable by which the excessive precipitation over domain may be reduced?


With my best regards,

Kamel azarm