Today's Topics:
1. OI SST V2 High Resolution (Michael Notaro)
2. Slab ocean model (Michael Notaro)
Subject: [RegCNET] OI SST V2 High Resolution
Is RegCM4 able to use the NOAA OI SST V2 High Resolution Dataset (daily, 0.25 degree, 1981-present)
for LBCs? If so, how? My understanding is that the model is only configured to take in weekly or monthly
Thanks, Michael
Michael Notaro
Associate Director
Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Phone: (608) 261-1503
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Subject: [RegCNET] Slab ocean model
Is there any documentation on how to run RegCM4 with the slab ocean model option?
I found minimal discussion in the gforge documents (e.g. user's guide) and a brief discussion in the following article.
Is the RegCM4-slab ocean model running without any issues and is it straightforward to use?
Thanks, Michael
Michael Notaro
Associate Director
Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Phone: (608) 261-1503
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