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From: Alok Mishra <alokmishra006@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 9, 2015 at 3:45 PM
Subject: Restart problem of RegCM with CLM
To: regcnet@lists.ictp.it

Dear RegCNET users

I am running RegCM with CLM. The first run completed for 4 month and 20days (1jan1989 -20may).Now I want to restart the model from 1may1989. For this I make following change in restartparam
 ifrest  = .true. ,
 mdate0  = 1989010100,
 mdate1  = 1989050100,
 mdate2  = 1989123000,

  it is giving following error. What may be the cause of this error and how it can be fix. I attached herewith the error file along with name list parameter.

Alok Kumar MIshra