I think professor Raymond ask about something like WRF model, means every release they inform all by what new in this version ( which bugs that has been fixed, which scheme they add, which thing they eliminate, etc...). That is what I understand from professor Raymond email, and I totally agree with him.

On Tuesday, August 11, 2015, Tufan Turp <turcomania@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Professor,

You can ignore my previous mail. Sorry, I just noticed that you are merely interested in version 4. 

Best regards,

Tufan Turp

Bogazici University

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 11:32 PM, Tufan Turp <turcomania@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Professor,

I suggest you to check Filippo's notes, "A brief history of the RegCM: From RegCM1 to RegCM4", which were presented during the 5th ICTP Workshop on the Theory and Use of Regional Climate Models in 2010. 

Best regards,

Tufan Turp

Bogazici University

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 8:17 PM, Raymond Arritt <rwarritt@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear friends,

Does there exist a changelog showing exactly what is in each version of RegCM4?  There are many different versions and it would be very helpful to know the specific differences between each one.

I am aware of the blog, wiki etc. and these are somewhat helpful but do not really give a structured account of what is in each version or release candidate. Apologies if I have overlooked something.

The motivation for this question is that we have done a large number of CORDEX simulations using RegCM4.4rc8.  We'd like to test some of the new features in RegCM while maintaining as close compatibility as possible with our existing simulations.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

Ray Arritt

RegCNET mailing list

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