! test for BAND_Tropics (56km resolution) &dimparam iy = 111, jx = 150, kz = 18, nsg = 1, / &geoparam iproj = 'NORMER', ds = 60.0, ptop = 5.0, clat = 10.0, clon = 20.00, plat = 45.39, plon = 13.48, truelatl = 30.0, truelath = 60.0, i_band = 0, / &terrainparam domname = 'Cropped_Tropics', smthbdy = .false., lakedpth = .false., ltexture = .true., ! If using DUST tracers (see below), produce from ! terrain program the domain soil texture dataset fudge_lnd = .false., fudge_lnd_s = .false., fudge_tex = .false., fudge_tex_s = .false., dirter = './Input', inpter = './RCM_DATA', / &debugparam debug_level = 1, dbgfrq = 3, / &boundaryparam nspgx = 12, nspgd = 12, / &globdatparam ssttyp = 'OI_WK', dattyp = 'NNRP1', chemtyp = 'MZCLM', ! Type of Global Chemistry boundary conditions ! ! One in : MZ6HR, 6 hours MOZART output ! ! : MZCLM, MOZART climatology 1999-2009 gdate1 = 2002010100, gdate2 = 2010123100, ibdyfrq = 6, dirglob = './Input', inpglob = './RCM_DATA', / &globwindow lat0 = 0.0 lat1 = 0.0 lon0 = 0.0 lon1 = 0.0 / &restartparam ifrest = .false., mdate0 = 2002010100, mdate1 = 2002010100, mdate2 = 2003010100, / &timeparam dt = 150., ! time step in seconds dtrad = 30., ! time interval solar radiation calculated (minutes) dtabem = 18., ! time interval absorption-emission calculated (hours) dtsrf = 600., ! time interval at which land model is called (seconds) / &outparam ifsave = .true. , savfrq = 7200., ifatm = .true. , atmfrq = 6., ifrad = .true. , radfrq = 6., ifsrf = .true. , ifsub = .true. , srffrq = 6., ifchem = .true., ifopt = .true., ! Output OPT ? chemfrq = 6., dirout='./Output' / &physicsparam iboudy = 5, ibltyp = 1, icup_lnd = 2, icup_ocn = 2, igcc = 2, ipptls = 1, iocnflx = 2, ipgf = 0, iemiss = 0, lakemod = 0, ichem = 1, scenario = 'A1B', idcsst = 0, iseaice = 0, idesseas = 0, iconvlwp = 0, isolconst = 1, ! Use a constant 1367 W/m^2 instead of the prescribed ! TSI recommended CMIP5 solar forcing data. / &subexparam qck1land = .250E-03, qck1oce = .250E-03, cevaplnd = .100E-02, caccrlnd = 3.000, cftotmax = 0.75, / &grellparam / &holtslagparam / ! ! Chemical control parameter ! &chemparam chemsimtype = 'DCCB' ! One in : ! DUST : Activate 4 dust bins scheme ! SSLT : Activate 2 bins Sea salt scheme ! DUSS : Activate DUST + SSLT ! CARB : Activate 4 species black/anthropic ! carbon simulations ! SULF : Activate SO2 and SO4 tracers ! SUCA : Activate both SUKF and CARB ! AERO : Activate all DUST, SSLT, CARB and SULF ! CBMZ : Activate gas phase and sulfate ! DCCB : Activate CBMZ +DUST +CARB ! POLLEN : Activate POLLEN transport scheme ichsolver = 1, ! Activate the chemical solver ichsursrc = 1, ! Enable the emissions ichdrdepo = 1, ! 1 = enable tracer surface dry deposition. For dust, ! it is calculated by a size settling and dry ! deposition scheme. For other aerosol,a dry ! deposition velocity is simply prescribed further. ichebdy = 1, ! Enable boundary conditions read ichcumtra = 1, ! 1 = enable tracer convective transport and mixing. ichremlsc = 1, ! 1 = wet removal of chemical species (washout and rainout ! by total rain) is enabled ichremcvc = 1, ! 1 = wet removal of chemical species (washout and rainout ! by convective rain) is enabled ichdustemd = 2, ! Choice for parametrisation of dust emission size distribution ! 1 = use the standard scheme (Alfaro et al., Zakey et al.) ! 2 = use the the revised soil granulometry + Kok et al., 2011 ichdiag = 1, ! 1 = enable writing of additional diagnostics in the output idirect = 2, ! Choice to enable or not aerosol feedbacks on radiation and ! dynamics (aerosol direct and semi direct effcts): ! 1 = no coupling to dynamic and thermodynamic. However ! the clear sky surface and top of atmosphere ! aerosol radiative forcings are diagnosed. ! 2 = allows aerosol feedbacks on radiative, ! thermodynamic and dynamic fields. iindirect = 0, ! Enable sulfate indirect effect in radiation scheme rdstemfac = 1.0,! Aerosol correction factor (Laurent et al, 2008) ichjphcld = 1, ! Impact of cloud aod on photolysis coef ichbion = 0, ! ???????????????????????????????????/// / &clmparam dirclm = '/set/this/to/where/your/input/clm/data/are', imask = 1, clmfrq = 24., /