Dear RegCM User's,

I try to run RegCM4.3 with dust activated. I downloaded aerosol data (1970-2099) from this website:  and put it to data/AERGLOB folder. I run terrain, sst ve icbc successfully, but I got below error when i run chem_icbc. What is the problem? Thank you very much.


Kahraman Oguz

Environmental Sciences (PhD)

Gazi University



This is chem_icbc part of the RegCM version 4

   SVN Revision: tag 4.3.4 compiled at: data : Nov 27 2014  time: 12:31:38


: this run start at    : Tue Feb 17 13:38:00 2015

: it is submitted by   : ikl004

: it is running on     : iklim

: in directory         : /iklim2/ikl04/GFDL_RF/RegCM-4.3.4/hg


GLOBIDATE1 : 1970-05-01 06:00:00 UTC

GLOBIDATE2 : 1970-06-01 06:00:00 UTC

NSTEPS     :          125

No such file or directory


mod_ae_icbc.F90 :       92:Error open aeid file:            2

abort: Fortran Abort Called

I included these two parts for dust activation:

 aertyp = 'AER00D1'
 ntr = 4,
 nbin = 4,
 chemsimtype = 'DUST',
 ichdrdepo = 1,
 idirect   =    2,