Dear RegCM4 Users
I compile RegCM4 code without any error and want to simulate a test case. but when I type: ./Bin/icbc
it says: Error opening /home/bayat/GLOBDAT//NNRP1/1997/
 NetCDF: Unknown file format
I built netcf(netcdf-4.2.1, netcdf-fortran and netcdf-cxx), hdf5, zlib, and openmpi in /usr/local
I think the problem is result of netcdf4.2 configuration, because when I wanted to config it I disabled netcdf-4( because of being unable to link hdf5-library). The weired point is I had a test case with RegCM code few days ago and right know it does not work properly.
Any Idea?

Abdolhalim Bayat
Ph.D Student of Synoptic Climatology
Tehran University of Iran