Dear All,
Our downscaling session has moved from the NP devision to the climate division: CL5.2 Downscaling: Methods and Application. In practice most abstracts came from the climate community, however we are still interested in downscaling for other applications.
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Session details:
Geophysical systems are characterized by variability on a large range of scales. Consequently, the resolution of dynamical models, measurements and retrievals are often insufficient and downscaling methods are needed to generate time series and fields with an appropriate spatial or temporal resolution.
This session wants to bring together scientists from all geophysical disciplines working on downscaling problems. The focus will be on studies on methodological questions, introducing new algorithms, as well as research comparing and validating methods, but also state-of-the-art applications of downscaling methods are welcome. Contributions are sought both on dynamical and statistical downscaling. Both scaling as well as non-scaling statistical methods are welcome.
Best regards,
Your conveners