Hello Samy,
You can use cdo for regridding the netcdf into the desired grid.
Possible helpful commands might be:
cdo griddes input.nc grid.txt
cdo remapbil,grid.txt input.nc output.nc
I wouldn't recommend going from a NCEP (coarse resolution 2.5*2.5
degrees) to RegCM (higher resolution 20*20km). The opposite might
be more valid.
Best wishes,
On 11/07/2014 02:07 PM, Samy Rateb wrote:
Hello RegCNET users,
I conducted an experiment on RegCM-4.4.1, and I would like to validate the output with NCEP Reanalysis II and my domain is with resolution 20*20 km while for NCEP is 2.5*2.5 degree, so i ask if there is a sample ncl script for regrid from NCEP to RegCM grid.
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