On 08/18/2014 02:09 PM, Samy Rateb wrote:
> Hello ggiulian,
> I first ran RegCM-4.4-rc32 with CN and crop option with resolution 45 km
> and then tried to make a nest to 10 km , all steps (terrain, sst and
> icbc, mksurfdata) were successful but during step mpirun -np 4
./bin/regcmMPICLM45_CN_CROP regcm45.in, the following message appeared
> urban net longwave radiation error: no convergence
> -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
> Fatal in file: mod_clm_urban.F90 at line: 2388
> Any advice plz
Geee... a nest at 10km...
I do not think anyone has yet tested this resolution, and with CLM45 I
sure of it. Can you please send the namelist files to debug this?
Graziano Giuliani - Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11 - I - 34151 Trieste Italy