Dear Users,
I am very new super computing system and has encountered some problems running the RegCM4.4 in the cray machine. The basic tests was run on a interactive mode by allocating some nodes and ran successfully for the default European domain but the same job fails when run by submitting the job. Specifically, the error message was:
SRF variables written at 1990-06-03 09:00:00 UTC
$$$ 1990-06-03 12:00:00 UTC, ktau = 1440
$$$ 1st, 2nd time deriv of ps = 0.61801E-05 0.14347E-07
$$$ no. of points w/convection = 947
SEARCH BC data for 1990060318
READY BC from 1990060312 to 1990060318
ATM variables written at 1990-06-03 12:00:00 UTC
SRF variables written at 1990-06-03 12:00:00 UTC
RAD variables written at 1990-06-03 12:00:00 UTC
No more atmosphere here....
No more atmosphere here....
CFL violation detected, so model STOP
CFL violation detected, so model STOP
# DECREASE DT !!!! #
# DECREASE DT !!!! #
The job script is given below:
a. For the interactive mode - by allocating the mode
salloc --ntasks=32 (e.g. only)
aprun -n 32 ./bin/regcmMPI_clm45 >regcm.out
b. job script - run as sbatch regcm.sbatch
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=test_001
#SBATCH --account=director865
#SBATCH --partition=workq
#SBATCH --time=12:00:00
#SBATCH --ntasks=8
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=4
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --export=NONE
module load intel
module load cray-netcdf
aprun -B ./bin/regcmMPI_clm45 >test_001.out
I m doing some benchmarking tests on this machine which is pretty much running out of time. So I would like to request your help at the earliest.
Thanking you.
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