Dear colleauges,


Croatian Meteorological Journal (Hrvatski meteorološki časopis, HMC) publishes scientific and professional papers in the field of meteorology and related sciences. All papers are peer-reviewed and have an open access on the following web-site To find out more about the journal statistics, visit e.g. Scopus Journal Analyzer and type “Hrvatski Meteoroloski Casopis”.

Croatian Meteorological Journal is published once a year since 1982. Before that, the journal had been published under the title Rasprave i prikazi (established 1957 by Croatian Meteorological Society).


Examples of RegCM studies published in past in Croatian Meteorological Journal include:

Branković, Č., M. Patarčić, L. Srnec (2004) Seasonal dynamical downscaling with ERA-40 data: A sensitivity study. Hrvatski Meteorološki Časopis/Croatian Meteorological Journal, 39, 15–39  [available from ]

Güttler, I. (2011) Reducing warm bias over the north-eastern Europe in a regional climate model.  Hrvatski Meteorološki Časopis/Croatian Meteorological Journal, 44/45, 19–29  [available from ]



HMC invites contributions of research papers and review articles for peer-review and possible publication. We encourage authors to send their manuscripts and to suggest three possible reviewers on the e-mail: or  petra.mikus© Instructions for the authors can be find on:


Editorial board of Croatian Meteorological Journal


---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lidija Srnec

Drzavni hidrometeoroloski zavod

Odjel za klimatoloska istrazivanja i primijenjenu klimatologiju

Sluzba meteoroloskih istrazivanja i razvoja


Gric 3

10000 Zagreb


Tel: +385-1-4565-624

Fax: +385-1-4565-630
