Dear Uzair,
The precipitation in the STS files is the average/day not the cumulative amount. In regarding to the unit of precipitation, Yes you are right multiply the value of precipiation by 60x60x24=86400.
But if you want to get the total summation for the precipitation you should sum all the amount per day using any software (e.g. cdo daysum
hope this may help
Mohamed Ibrahim El-Sayed OMAR
Egyptian Meteorological Authority
Scientific Research Department
Climate Studies Centre
Kobry El-Quobba, P.O.Box. 11784
Cairo, EGYPT
Mobil phone : 002 01060802805
Home Phone : 002 0482370261
On Friday, December 20, 2013 10:19 AM, uzair manan <> wrote:
The output that RegCM generates are ATM, SRF, RAD and STS. The STS file generates daily output data while the other files generate 3-hr interval data.
My query is:-
1. Is the daily precipitation data from STS file is cumulative of 3-hr interval data from SRF file ?
2. The output of precipitation,from STS file, obtained from downscaling "GFDL-ESM2M" global data has the unit (mm/s) if we use
'q file' command in GrADS. So if I want the data in mm/day should I multiply the data with 86400 ?
Best regards
Uzair Mannan
Cell: +923323489950
NED University of Engineering & Technology
Karachi, Pakistan
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